Best Essay On National Festival – The Independence Day Celebration and Republic Day 2022


India became Republic on 26th January 1950. The new Constitution was adopted on this day. Since then, this day has been celebrated all over the country with a great pompous show. Republic Day is a national festival. All offices, shops, and factories remain closed on this day.

It is a paid holiday for all. Thousands of men, women, and children come to Delhi from different parts of the country to see the Republic Day parade. All the states of the Indian Union send beautiful pageants. Folk dance parties also come from all over the country. 

The full dress rehearsal is held on 24th January. Many people go to India Gate to see the rehearsal. On 26th January, people start very early to go to India Gate to occupy good seats. People from the rural areas come in carts—all roads leading to India Gate hum with life.

Trains, taxis, and even ‘rehras’ carry thousands of visitors to the parade route. The Programme is also watched on television sets. 

I went to see the celebrations at India Gate. I went on foot. I reached there at 6 a.m. I sat in the front row, where only children and ladies were allowed to sit. Police officers on duty had a hard time. 

The President drove in the state in a beautiful coach driven by horses. There was a stir in the crowd. Behind him were his bodyguards on beautiful horses. The Prime Minister received the President. He stood on the saluting base. The military Parade started.

Tanks, guns, radar, and other weapons moved slowly. Military buns accompanied the marching soldiers. The names of the weapons were written on them, both Hindi and English. NCC cadets also took part in the Parade. 

The President gave the civil and military officers gallantry awards for outstanding bravery. School girls in uniform marched very smartly. Cultural pageants from different states added color to the procession. Indian life was depicted very artistically. Folk dancers wearing their regional dresses came last of all. Jet airplanes gave a salute to the Parade.

In the evening, the President gave a dinner party in the Rashtrapati Bhawan. Many big people from our country and ambassadors from other countries were invited to the party. 

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India became free on 15th August, I947, after countries of slavery. The National Tricolour Flag was hoisted on the Red Fort for the First time. Pandıt Jawahar Lal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India to hoist the National Flag in 1947. Since then, 15th August has been celebrated as Independence Day throughout India. 

This year the National Flag was hoisted by Shri Rajiv Gandhi, the fourth Prime Minister of India. As usual, preparations were made many days before the National Day. Pipe railings were on both sides of the road leading to the Red Fort. Loudspeakers were fixed on poles outside the Fort. Traffic arrangements were announced a day earlier.

People got up early in the morning and went to the Red Fort by bus, scooters, cycles, or on foot. School children were taken in buses: Ministers, ambassadors, and other important persons arrived by cars. By 7-31 a.m., every inch of the space was occupied.

All India Radio broadcast a running commentary from the Red Fort. Those who did not go to the Red Fort sat before the radio. Tele clubs attracted many children and women. For the first time this year, another T.V. Stations in India also telecast the program. It became possible because of the Satellite. The sky was clear, and the program on the television sets could be seen early.

The Prime Minister arrived amidst cheers, dressed in white khadi kurta and pajamas. School children sang the National Anthem. Shri Rajiv Gandhi pulled the string tied to the pole. The flag was hoisted. A salute of 31 guns was given. After this, the Prime Minister addressed the gathering.

He talked about all the current problems and assured the people that he was aware of their difficulties. He promised strict action against hoarders and black marketeers. He gave indications of tough government policy towards the Terrorists.

He appealed for unity, hard work, and self- sacrifice’. He showed confidence in India’s continuous March on the path of progress. At the end of the speech, he made a special reference to the 20-paint program and urged the Salute to implement it sincerely. The celebrations were over, and the crowd started melting away.

 Independence Day was also celebrated in all the State capitals. The Governors or Chief Ministers took the Salute in the capitals of States. Independence Day was also celebrated outside India. For more information read this.

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Intro: Panchayats are much more than units of Local Self -Government. They are essentially the agencies of rural development. The Panchayat system has its foundation in our culture and traditions. It is based on the principle of democratic decentralization. It is a useful unit of our administration. Village people know and understand their problems. They can solve them. 

Three-tier system: At the village level, there is the Gram Panchayat. The Gram Panchayat, the executive of the Gram Sabha, is elected by the Gram Sabha, which consists of all voters at the village level. The size of the Gram Panchayat varies considerably from 4 to 9 in Punjab and 5 to 15 in Madras to 31 (16 to 31) in U.P. The Panchayat members, called Panches, are elected by the Gram Sabha by secret ballot in most states.

Functions: Village Panchayat performs very important functions. It has two types of functions – obligatory and discretionary. As obligatory functions, it looks after sanitation, drinking water supply, agriculture development, village industry, etc. As discretionary functions, it provides medical relief and first – aid, promotion of agriculture credit, promotion of education facilities, etc.

Second-tier: There is the Panchayat Samiti. It has the Sar Panches of all the Panchayats in a block. It has the President of the Samiti. Its functions are control and supervision over Villagé Panchayats, Community Development programs, agricultural Production and other allied programs, minor irrigations, primary education, etc. 

The Third Tier District council (Zila Parishad): It is at the district level. Its members are the Presidents of all the Panchayat Samitis, all the M. Ps., M.L.A.S, and the M.L.C.S. There is one chairman of the Zila Parishad. Functions: The Zila Parishad is generally the coordinating body that exercises general supervision over the working of the Panchayat Samitis and advises the Government on implementing development schemes. Another function is the maintenance and expansion of secondary education, vocational, and industrial schools.

 Finance: These Panchayati Raj institutions have their sources of income Like Property tax, Agriculture tax, Rent, Tax on vehicles, Tax On animals, Tax on Profession, Water tax, etc. They also get grants from the state governments. Under the Nehru Rozgar Yojna, Rajiv Gandhi Started giving grants by the Union government directly to the village Panchayat. The motive is to start such employment schemes as attast one member of every village family gets employment.

 Conclusion: The Panchayati Raj is the blessing of Mahatma Gandhi. It is a part of Ram Raj. Rural people get an education in politics through the Panchayati Raj. 

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