Computer essay | Essay on The Computer | Short essay on Computer with pdf

Essay on The Computer

The Computer is a great invention of science. Every invention science improves the standard of living and makes a man feel more comfortable and civilized. The invention of the Computer is the result of the successive efforts of several scientists. They are Charles Babbage, George Book, and some others. The system of Computers is based on made-up intelligence. Answers to different questions are first fed into the Computer. The human brains do this. If we want an answer to these questions, we press the relevant button, and the answer comes. The scope of Computers is being made more expensive day to day. It is used to collect data and select an answer to our question from it. It can be made to provide an answer to the particular type of data that we need. It can do calculations and figure work on a large scale. Such agencies can successfully use it to do figure work. Banks are using it for calculation and figure work. Railway staff use it to reserve seats and find out which seats remain unreserved. The U.S.A., Japan, and some western countries are using the Computer: The U.S.A. has made computer devices to forecast weather. In some countries traffic is controlled by the help of the Computer However, the Computer can’t do thinking work. All the thinking must be done by human beings and fed into the Computer. The Computer reproduces only what is fed into it. There is one objection against computers. It is born of the fear that if computers are used on a large scale, it will decrease demand for human labor and increases unemployment.

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