Computer Science -1 Question Paper 2023 Maharashtra State Board

Here is Computer Science -1 Question Paper 2023 Maharashtra State Board. Going through this question paper helps you see which parts of computer science you’re good at and which parts need more attention. This way, you can focus on what you need to improve.

Use the question paper to practice solving problems. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at it. This will build your confidence and make you more prepared for the actual exam.

Look at the questions to see which topics are most important. Spend extra time on those. If you’re not sure about something, ask your teacher or look it up.

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 50
PAPER – I (D-9)
[2023 | III | 14]

Computer Science 1 Question Paper 2023 Maharashtra State Board 01

Instructions :

1. All questions are compulsory.

2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

3. Use of any calculator is not allowed.

4. Draw a neat diagram wherever necessary.

6. Header files and comments in C++ program are not necessary:

Computer Science 1 Question Paper 2023 Maharashtra State Board 2

1. (A) Select the correct alternative and rewrite the following:

(a) Wastage of memory space within the partition is called as _____________

  1 Mark Question   Important

(i) Internal fragmentation
(ii) External fragmentation
(iii) Compaction
(iv) Segmentation

(b) Data items that are divided into subitems are called as _____________

  1 Mark Question   Important

(i) Group item
(ii) Elementry item
(iii) Nodes
(iv) Arrays

(c) When a member function is defined inside the class, then it is treated as _____________ function.

  1 Mark Question   Important

(i) Inline
(ii) Outline
(iii) External
(iv) Virtual

(d) Long form of HREF is _____________

  1 Mark Question   Important

(i) Horizontal Reference
(ii) Hypertext Reference
(iii) Hyperlink Reference
(iv) Hypermedia Reference

(B) Answer any two of the following :

  3 Mark Question Each   Important

(a) Define following terms regarding data structure :

(i) Entity

(ii) Group item

(iii) Elementary item

(b) What is Binary Tree ? Draw a binary tree diagram of following mathematical expression :

E = (a² + bc²)/d

(c) Explain the use of video RAM. Explain data byte and attribute byte.

2. (A) Answer any two of the following :

  3 Mark Question Each   Important

(a) Explain functions of each of following components of GUI :

(i) Title bar

(ii) Scroll bars

(iii) Minimize and Maximize or Restore button

(b) State any six principal advantages of object oriented programming.

(c) Explain page memory management system with a suitable Page Map Table (PMT).

(B) Answer any one of following :

  4 Mark Question Each   Important

(a) Define following :

(i) Track and Sector

(ii) Seek time

(iii) Transmission time

(iv) Rotational delay

(b) Write an algorithm for bubble sort with suitable example.

3. (A) Answer any two of the following :

  3 Mark Question Each   Important

(a) What is Class ? Explain general form of class declaration.

(b) Which are three main areas in O.S divides it’s services ? Write example of each.

(c) What is Computer Worm ? Explain mode of operation of computer wom.

(B) Answer any one of the following :

  4 Mark Question Each   Important

(a) Write any eight rules for operator overloading.

(b) What is Starching ? Explain binary search algorithm with example.

4. (A) Answer any two of the following :

  3 Mark Question Each   Important

(a) What is HTML ? State it’s two advantages and disadvantages.

(b) Differentiate between Class and Object.

(c) Explain following tages of html with example :


(ii) <PRE>

(iii) <BR>

(B) Answer any one of the following :

(a) Write functions of each of followings :

  4 Mark Question   Important

(i) ifstream

(ii) ofstream

(iii) filebuf

(iv) fstream

(b) Explain following tages of html with example :

  4 Mark Question   Important

(i) <B>

(ii) <UL>

(iii) <SUP>

(iv) <IMG>

5. Answer any two of the following :

  5 Mark Question Each   Important

(a) Write a C++ program which finds fibonacei serics of ‘n’ terms.

(b) Write a C++ program to find factorial of a number during execution by using constructor function.

(c) Write a HTML code to produce following output :

HTML code to produce following output | Computer Science -1 Question Paper 2023 Maharashtra State Board


5. Answer any two of following :

  5 Mark Question Each   Important

(a) Write a C++ program to find entered number is armstrong number OR NOT armstong.

(b) Implement a class average that accepts value of three float variables another function print() average of three numbers.

(c) Write the exact output of following html program code with font pecifications in bracket :

<table border="2">
    <td colspan="2" align="center">
        <h1>HSC Board Exam</h1>
    <td align="center"><u>PAPER-I</u></td>
    <td align="center"><u>PAPER-II</u></td>
    <td align="center"><i>50 marks</i></td>
    <td align="center"><i>50 marks</i></td>
Computer Science 1 Question Paper 2023 Maharashtra State Board 03
Computer Science 1 Question Paper 2023 Maharashtra State Board 04
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