Best Essay on My School | My School Library For Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.

You are a student of a government school. It is a big school. Like every good student, you like your school. You don’t like it for anything. Like every good student, you have good and sound reasons to like it. Write all about your school and give reasons why you like it.

This Essay can also be written for the following topics:

  • My School
  • Why I Like My School
  • Short paragraph on school

Best Essay on My School

I read in a Government school. My school name is Vidya Niketan High School. It is a big school. It has a three-storeyed building. About one thousand students read here. It has about seventy teachers. They are all good, kind, and dutiful. I like my school.

 I like my school because I have been studying in this school for many years. It has now become almost a second home to me. I have become attached to it. And I have come to like it like my home. The school is no longer a mere building for me. It has become a part of myself. 

My school is the best in our locality. There are many schools, but none has made such a name as my school. It has always shown the best results in the Board examinations. That is why there is a great rush for admission every year.

 In studies and sports also our school has made a name Our P. E.T. is himself a fine sportsman, and he trains the boys hard. At the end of the year, our boys are the best trained in the area and a challenge for any school. Our school is one of the few schools in Delhi with a swimming pool. Our swimming coach is an excellent swimmer and has already raised a strong swimming team.

 My school has very able teachers. They take great interest in the training and education of the boys. They teach them with great devotion and always look to their needs. They are useless in performing their duties. 

My school regularly participates in declamation contests, recitation, and extempore speeches. Our boys always come back with a few trophies. They are known for their skill and ability to make extempore speeches.

 We have a large school library. There are books of all kinds and on all subjects here. There are books for small children, books for young boys, books on science, books on history, books on literature, and books on birds and animals. It is indeed a complete library. It has a big reading room where a hundred boys can sit and read. 

Our science section is in no way less important. We have grand laboratories that meet our boys’ needs to the full. Indeed there is nothing a good school should have, and it may not be in my school. I wonder that, like all the other boys in the school, I also like it. I like it because there is nothing that it cannot give me as a student. 

Also Read: Best Essay on My Favorite Teacher

All good schools have good libraries. Your school must have one. Describe your school library. How does it help you to learn and grow in mind and spirit?

This Essay can also be written for the following topics:

  • Your School Library
  • Library
  • Our School Library
  • My School Library

Best Essay on My School Library

Books give us knowledge; books entertain us; books guide us and are our best friends and company when we are alone. But we cannot buy all the books that are worth reading. Books are quite costly. And that is why every school has a library. Students can borrow books from the library and read them. My school also has a good library.

Our school library stands in the far corner of the building. It is known as the quiet corner of the school. Students who come to the library sit quietly and read. It is indeed a haven of peace. 

It has lovely surroundings. At the entrance, there is a Small lawn. The lawn has small beds of flowers around it. There are creepers, green and beautiful, clinging around the big columns of the verandah.

On both sides of the actual door of the library, the covers of the latest books are displayed attractively. Inside, the walls are richly decorated with beautiful paintings and drawings. The librarian sits in the center of the library. She is always nicely and neatly dressed and has an ever-smiling face. She never loses her patience and is always ready to help the students who come to borrow books. She even helps confused students in choosing books. 

There is a long table in the library. On all sides of this table, there are chairs. In Hindi and English, Magazines are kept on the table in covers. Students can sit on the chairs and read these magazines. At one end of the library are kept the newspaper stands. Daily newspapers are fixed on them for the students to read. Books are kept in the almirahs that lie along the library’s walls.

No wonder students and teachers prefer to spend their spare time in the library. Our principal takes particular pains to encourage this habit.

 I am indeed proud of my school library. I am sure our school library is the best of its kind in Delhi. 

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