HTML Part -1|TPS 12th Solution Kinnari Prakashan

scope of the Syllabus
Probable marks : 14

Above probable marks means : In board exam questions asked form this chapter are nearly for 14 marks out of 50 Marks.

Scope of the Syllabus

1. Introduction to HTML.

2. Why HTML ? Its advantages and drawbacks.

3. Study of tags : <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE>,<BODY>, <P>, <BR>, <UL>, <OL>, <PRE>, <MARQUEE>

4. Font styles : <B>, <I>, <U>, <BIG>, <SMALL>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <FONT>


7. Tables: <TABLE>, <CAPTIONS>, <TR>, <TH>, <TD>

8. Use of scripting as a language support.
Note : Only VBscript using for….next, If … then, MsgBox, InBox, DIM, SET.


Q.1 What is HTML ?

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct. 2002,03 ; Mar. 2006,09,14)   Important

Ans : 1) It is the most simple, text oriented programming language.

2) HTML stands for HyperText Mark-up Language, used to create world wide web document.

3) Using this language user can create web pages which can be viewed in any web browser such as Netscape Navigator , Internet Explorer, chrome, firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera etc.

4) Hypertext is ordinary text with extra features such as formatting, images, multimedia and links to other documents.

5) Mark-up is the process of taking ordinary text and adding extra symbols, such as editor’s Proof reading symbols. Each of the symbol used for mark-up in HTML is command that tells the browser how to display the text.

6) Mark-up languages are special type of computer languages. They are concerned with only Parts of documents according to their functions.

7) They indicate which part of document is title, which is subheading, which is author’s name and so on.

8) HTML is essentiallly a set of instructions to web browser for formatting and lay out of pages.

9) HTML is not a programming language in real sense.

Q. 2 Explain features of HTML.

  Asked in Board Exam   (March 2002)     Important  

Ans :

1) Hypertext Markup Language or HTML is a set of codes that is used to create document and then it can be published on the World Wide Web (www) .

2) HTML lets user jump from topic rather than finding and reading information linearly

3) Documents prepared in HTML include reference graphics and formatting tags.

4) HTML is hyperlink specification language.

5) HTML supports to frames including target windows and borderless frames.

6) It contains powertul formatting facilities for text, page, images etc.

7) it defines the syntax and placement of special embedded directions which are not displayed by the browser but it tells the browser how to display the contents of the document.

8) It supports for .BMP, .png, .jpeg and animated .GIF images.

9) HTML support forms which make it possible to create documents that collect and process users input.

10) It tells how to make a document interactive through special hypertext links.


Q.3 What are advantages of HTML ?

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct. 2002,03,09 ; March 2006,09,14)     Important  

Ans: The advantages of HTML are as enlisted below :

1) For creating HTML document, only text editor is needed. No special software is needed.

2) HTML document can be created on any hardware platform using any text editor.

3) HTML is easy to learn, use of implement.

4) Contains powerful formatting facilities.

5) Required HTML pages can be updated easily, without changing whole document.

6) Any HTML document can be traversed due to hyperlinking tacility is available.

7) Independent work can be done and need not to worry about editing programs.

8) If something is not working, then finding error is easy in HTML.

9) HTML will not cost anything for its use. There are NO expensive licenses to buy or no need to upgrade to purchase.

10) Learning HTML is simple than any Programming language.

Q. 4 Give the disadvantages of HTML.

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct. 2002,03,14 ; March 2006,09)     Important  

Ans :

1) HTML is not a programming language in true sense.

2) Any simple calculation cannot be done in HTML.

3) It cannot be used to display even date.

4) The interactive web pages cannot be built by HTML.

5) The web pages developed in HTML cannot behave like an application.

6) The web pages developed in HTML do not have their own interface.

7) Hyperlink is provided in HTML. But for that we need a trip to server at each step.


Q.5 What is HTML ? Name any two softwares that are used for writing HTML codes state any one advantages and one disadvantages of HTML.

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct 2002)     Important  

Ans : (Please refer Q.No 1, 3, 4)
Points are given below Study this.

HTML is HyperText Mark-up Language

1) It is the most simple, text oriented programming language.

2) HTML stands for HyperText Mark-up Language, used to create world wide web document.

3) Using this language user can create web pages which can be viewed in any web browser such as Netscape Navigator , Internet Explorer, chrome, firefox, microsoft edge, etc.

4) Hypertext is ordinary text with extra features such as formatting, images, multimedia and links to other documents.

5) Mark-up is the process of taking ordinary text and adding extra symbols, such as editor’s Proof reading symbols. Each of the symbol used for mark-up in HTML is command that tells the browser how to display the text.

6) Mark-up languages are special type of computer languages. They are concerned with only Parts of documents according to their functions.

7) They indicate which part of document is title, which is subheading, which is author’s name and so on.

8) HTML is essentiallly a set of instructions to web browser for formatting and lay out of pages.

9) HTML is not a programming language in real sense.

The advantages of HTML are as enlisted below :

1) For creating HTML document, only text editor is needed. No special software is needed.

2) HTML document can be created on any hardware platform using any text editor.

3) HTML is easy to learn, use of implement.

4) Contains powerful formatting facilities.

5) Required HTML pages can be updated easily, without changing whole document.

6) Any HTML document can be traversed due to hyperlinking tacility is available.

7) Independent work can be done and need not to worry about editing programs.

8) If something is not working, then finding error is easy in HTML.

9) HTML will not cost anything for its use. There are NO expensive licenses to buy or no need to upgrade to purchase.

10) Learning HTML is simple than any Programming language.

The disadvantages of HTML are given below

1) HTML is not a programming language in true sense.

2) Any simple calculation cannot be done in HTML.

3) It cannot be used to display even date.

4) The interactive web pages cannot be built by HTML.

5) The web pages developed in HTML cannot behave like an application.

6) The web pages developed in HTML do not have their own interface.

7) Hyperlink is provided in HTML. But for that we need a trip to server at each step.

Softwares that are used for writing HTML codes are :
(1) Notepad in Windows
(2) Simple Text in Macintosh
(3) Pico in Unix

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