Operating System Part -1 | TPS Computer Science 12th Pdf

Welcome to this blog where we’ll learn about an important topic from TPS Computer Science – 1, specifically for 12th class by Kinnari Prakashan. We’ll also find out when these questions were asked. Questions we are going to cover are as follows.

Q.1 What is an Operating System ? Write its function?
Q. 2 Which are the three main areas in which the operating system divides its services? Give examples.
Q. 3 What is Information Management ? List the system calls in it.
Q.4 What is Process Management ? List the system calls in Process Management.
Q.5 What is Memory Management ? What are the services provided under it ?
Q. 6 What is meant by a system call ? How it is used ? How does an application program (AP) use these calls during execution ?

Q.1 What is an Operating System ? Write its function?

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct. 2004, 2007 Mar. 2009)     Important  

Ans : An Operating System is a program, which acts as an interface between the user of
computer and the computer hardware.

The operating system can be viewed as a set of software programs, normally supplied along
with hardware for the effective and easy use of the machine.

The main functions of an operating system are :

i) The primary aim of the operating system is to make the hardware convenient to use.
ii) To help users to execute programs.

iii) To control execution of program to prevent errors and improper use of computer system.
iv) To make provision for security of information to users .

v) To eliminate duplicate errors by number of programmers in development of complicated

vi) It provides facility to share the same hardware among the users.

vii) Proper scheduling of resources among users.

TPS Computer Science – 1 [SERVICES IN O.S.]

Q. 2 Which are the three main areas in which the operating system divides its services? Give examples.

  Asked in Board Exam   (March 2002, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2013 Oct. 2004, 2007, 2014 2015)     Important  

Ans. : The O.S. divides its services in the following three main areas :

i) Information Management (IM)

ii) Process Management (PM)

iii) Memory Management (MM)

i) IM: Information Management provides facilities to store, retrieve, modify the information,
on various devices. The services provided under IM are :

(a) create files or directories.
(b) open files or explore directories.
(c) delete, copy or close files.
(d) change working directory.

ii) PM : The services provided under process management are directed to keep track of all running programs, called processes. In multiuser operating systems, number of users located
at different terminals may execute different programs at a time. In such case operating system keeps track of all processes. It schedules them and dispatches them one after another.

iii) MM : The services in Memory Management keep track the of all memory locations. They determine memory allocation policy and use various techniques and algorithms to achieve this.

Q. 3 What is Information Management ? List the system calls in it.

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct. 2012)     Important  

Ans. : 1) Information Management provides the facility to store, retrieve, modify or remove the information on files/directories.

2) These system services manage the organization of information into files and directories by allocating memory space to them.

3) It also ensures that correct programs have access to information, have occupied memory space and driving various devices.

4) Some of the system services (system calls) provided under IM are :

i) Create a file.
ii) Create a directory.
iii) Open a file for read/write purposes.
iv) Explore a directory.
v) Close a file.
vi) Read data from file to buffer.
vii) Write data from buffer to file.
viii) Move file pointer.
ix) Create a link.
x) Change working directory.

TPS Computer Science – 1 (Operating System)

Q.4 What is Process Management ? List the system calls in Process Management.

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct. 2005)    Important  

Ans. : 1) In multiuser operating system, a number of users, located at different terminals of network, may execute same or different programs at a time.

2) But such a computer system has only one C.P.U. and it can execute only one instruction,
belonging to any one of these programs at the same time.

3) The Process Management of such O. S. keeps track of all running programs called
processes, Schedule then and dispatch them one after the another. While doing so, it
gives an impression to each user that it has the full control of C.P.U.

4) The Process Management modules of single user O.S. are less complicated than multi-user O.S.

5) The services provided under Process Management are (system calls) :

i) Read a process.
ii) Block a process.
li) Resume a process.
iv) Terminate a process.
v) Suspend a process.
vi) Delay a process.
vii) Change the priority of a process
viii) Generate a process.

Q.5 What is Memory Management ? What are the services provided under it ?

Ans: 1) When a job is to be executed, the O.S. loads the job in main memory from disk.

2) But before loading it in memory, it should know that how much of free memory is available
and how much of memory should be allocated to the job.

3) For this, the operating system keeps list of all free memory location. Before a program is
loaded in memory the operating system consults with this list. It loads the program into
memory and modifies the list.

4) When the program is executed complete, it removes programs from main memory and again modify the list.

5) For this, the O.S. determines memory allocation/deallocation policies and uses various
techniques and algorithms to athieve this.

6) The system calls in it are :

i) To allocate a chunk of memory to a process.
ii) To free chunk of memory from a process.

Q. 6 What is meant by a system call ? How it is used ? How does an application program (AP)
use these calls during execution ?

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct. 2003, Mar. 2006)    Important  

Ans. : 1) System call : System call provides the interface between a process and the operating system. These calls are generally available as assembly language instructions.

2) System calls are used in different ways as :

(a) Some system may allow system calls to be made directly from a higher level language
program. In this, calls are predefined function or subroutine.
(b) Some languages — C, PERL – allow system calls to be made directly.
(c) FORTRAN system provides set of library routines.

3) An application program uses sequence of system calls during execution. To prompt a message on the terminal AP uses system call. Next, read from the terminal AP uses another system call. Similarly for each and every task, program uses various system calls.

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