Best Topics to Write an Application to the Principal for Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

1. Write An application to the Principal requesting him to arrange for a historical tour during winter vacations.

Write An application to the Principal- Requesting him to arrange for a historical tour

The Principal

Subject- Requesting to arrange for a historical tour
Respected Sir,

We, the following students of XI and XIl classes, request you to arrange a historical tour during the winter vacations kindly. This tour will benefit us from an educational point of view and add to our general knowledge.

There are many historical monuments in Agra and Rajasthan, and sightseeing such buildings will undoubtedly refresh our historical memories of past events. Contributions among all of us will raise the tour’s expenses. 

Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Ram Parkash
14th July 20____
Also Read: 15+ Government officials letters Sample

2. Write an application to the Principal for Vocational Training.

An application to the Principal– For Vocational Training.

The Principal
Govt. Boys Higher Secondary School

Subject- An application for Vocational Training
Respected Sir,

With due respect, I beg to state that I am a student in the 10th class of your school and always stand first in my class. I am in the good books of my teachers. I request that my name may please be considered for Vocational Training as it would be beneficial in my future life.

I will be able to earn my livelihood after my academic career is over. I may be given training either in Photography or T.V. Servicing. I shall be highly obliged to you for this act of kindness. 

Yours faithfully,
14th July 20____
Also Read: Business Letter Examples

3. Write an application to the Principal to consider your name for a competition test for scholarship.

Write An application to the Principal- Consider your name for a competition

The Principal
………… School
Subject- An application to consider your name for a competition

With due respect, I beg to state that I have come to know that the Education Department of Delhi Administration has been arranging a Competitive Test of Higher Secondary Students for the scholarship grant to deserving candidates.

I request your honor to forward my name from your school to appear in that competitive examination. I am one of the best students at your school, and I assure you that I will qualify for this test with flying colors and earn a good name for your Institution. I am confident of my success. 

Thank you in advance.
Yours obediently,
Sat Parrish
14th July 20____
Also Read: Job Application Letter Examples

4. Write an application to the Principal of a school/college for the issue of books from the library.

Write An application to the Principal- Issue of books from the library

The Principal

Subject- An application for Issue of books from the library

Respectfully I am to state that I am a student of B.A. 1st year of your college and aim in the good books of my teachers. Now a problem has arisen: No books on Economics Theory and Advance Accountancy are available in the market.

I shall be grateful if you, please order the Librarian to issue the same to me from the library for at least two months. It is expected that the books in question will be available on the market by that time, and I will purchase them on my own. 

Thank you in advance.
Yours faithfully,
Madan Lal
14th July 20____
Also Read: Leave Application Letter Examples for Schools and Office

5. Write an application to the Principal for Vocational Training.

An application to the Principal- For Vocational Training.

The Principal
Govt. Boys Higher Secondary School

Subject- An application for Vocational Training
Respected Sir,

With due respect, I beg to state that I am a student in the 10th class of your school and always stand first in my class. I am in the good books of my teachers. I request that my name may please be considered for Vocational Training as it would be beneficial in my future life.

I will be able to earn my livelihood after my academic career is over. I may be given training either in Photography or T.V. Servicing. I shall be highly obliged to you for this act of kindness. 

Yours faithfully,
14th July 20____
Also Read: 10 Applications To Government Officials

6. Write an application to the Principal of your College requesting him to allow you to take part in debates and also for enrolment of membership of Literary Association.

Write An application to the Principal- Allow to take part in debates and enrolment of membership

The Principal
Hans Raj College
Subject- An application for Allow to take part in debates and enrolment of membership

Respectfully, I beg to state that I am one of the best students of you college.
While I was at school, I had been a
I am very much interested in literature.
In view of the facts, as mentioned above, I may
secretary of library association.
request you to consider my name for the membership of the college literary
association and allow me to lake part in debates I assure you that I will leave no
stone unturned to please my superiors/seniors.
Hoping to be favored and early reply.
Yours sincerely,
Thank you.
14th July 20____
Also Read: Examples Sample letters for Business

7. Write an application to the Principal for a change of Section.

Write An application to the Principal- For a change of Section.

The Principal
Biria Higher Secondary School

Subject- An application for a change of Section
Respected Sir,

With due respect, I beg to state that I am a student of lX-A of your school and my younger brother is also a student of lX-B of this school. Since my father is a poor man and he cannot afford to purchase a separate set of books for each of us.

I, therefore, request you either to transfer me to section B or my younger brother to own my section so that we may manage to study with one set of books. It will be very convenient for us both in school and at home. Thank you. I shall be highly obliged to you for this act of kindness.  

Yours faithfully,
Inder Pal
14th July 20____
Also Read: Letters of Congratulation Examples

8. Write an application to the Principal of a College for a change of Subject.

Write An application to the Principal– For a change of Subject.

The Principal
Ramjas College
Subject- An application for a change of Subject
Respected Sir,

Respectfully I am to state that at the time of admission, I applied for B.A. pass course, and accordingly, I was granted. Now the circumstances have changed, and my parents wish that I should take B. Com. pass the course.

This subject would help me to do Chartered Accountancy. I shall be highly grateful to you if I may be allowed to change the subject in view of the position as explained above. 

Thank you in advance. 
Yours faithfully,
Surinder Kumar
14th July 20____
Also Read: Letter to father explaining how you would spend the Rs.100

10. An application to the Principal for expressing deep sorrow for misbehavior to a teacher.

Write An application to the Principal- Expressing deep sorrow for misbehavior to a teacher

The Principal
St. Xavier’s School
Subject- An application for expressing deep sorrow for misbehavior to a teacher

Respectfully I beg to submit that I am sorry for speaking impolitely and discourteously to my class teacher. I hold him in high esteem. In fact, he had been an ideal teacher. Presumably, I had not been in my senses when I misbehaved with him.

 I am really very sorry for what I have done and tender my apology and request you earnestly to pardon me for the same. I assure you that in future I will never give any opportunity for such complaints. 

Thank you in advance. 
Yours obediently,
Om Prakash
14th July 20____
Also Read: Letter to a friend inviting her on your birthday

9. An application to the Principal for exemption from compulsory games due to protracted illness.

An application to the Principal- Exemption from compulsory games due to protracted illness

The Principal
St. Columbus School
New Delhi
Subject- An application for exemption from compulsory games

Respectfully, I beg to submit that I attended school today after a protracted illness of four months, and as a result, l have become extremely weak. The doctor has advised me to avoid exertion as far as possible. 

In view of this, I, therefore, request you to exempt me from compulsory games at least for a period of 2 months for the recovery of my health. 

Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Suresh Kumar
14th July 20____
Also Read: Letter to mother showing your inability to see her due to your examination

11. An Application to the Principal suggesting ways and means for improvement of sport facilities in the school.

An application to the Principal- Improvement of sport facilities in the school

The Principal
St. Francis School

Subject- An application for Improvement of sport facilities in the school

We, the following students, kindly draw your attention towards the lack of adequate sports facilities in our school. Only a few students can take part in the game, while others do not get the opportunity for the development of their physique and mental facilities. 

Since thể games are also part and parcel of education and strengthen the qualities of team spirit, leadership, and confidence among all the students so the facilities for participation in the games should be provided to everyone, needless to say, it will help to a great extent for improvement of discipline among the students and the school will also earn a fair name. We hope that our suggestion will receive favorable and sympathetic consideration. 

Thank you.
Yours obediently,
Ram Lal
14th July 20____
Also Read: A letter to father telling him reasons you do not wish to appear at the next examination

12. Write an application to the Principal of your school for exemption from participation compulsory in games.

An application to the Principal- For exemption from participation compulsory in games

The Principal
Govt. Higher Secondary School
Narela, Delhi

Subject- An application for exemption from participation compulsory in games

Respectfully, I beg to submit that I attended school today after a long time of about two months. I had a serious attack of Typhoid. This made me extremely weak. My doctor has advised me to rest completely and avoid exertion as much as possible.

Therefore, I approach you with the request to exempt me from compulsory participation in games for about one month. I will participate in the school games as Soon as I completely regain my health. 

Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Anil Kumar
14th July 20____
Also Read: Letter to father narrating an accident that happened to you for class
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