6 Best application to the Principal

1. An application to the Principal for supply of Text- books.

Application for the Principal- Supply of Text- books

The Principal
St. Michels, Grammar School
Subject- Application for the Principal for Supply of Text- books
Respected Sir.

Respectfully I am to state that I am a student of XI class of your school. My father is a low-paid employee in Delhi Cloth Mills. He has a large family consisting of 7 members. My two elder brothers are studying in college. It is very difficult for him to purchase textbooks for me. I have all along been a very good student in my class, and all my teachers hold a high opinion of me. 

I request you kindly grant me some financial help from the Poor Boy’s Fund to enable me to purchase the required textbooks. In the absence of these books, it is very difficult for me to continue my study. Thank you. 

Yours obediently,
Hans Raj
14th July 20____
Also Read: 10 Useful Application to the Principal About fees, Apologizing and illness

2. An application to the Principal to take adequate steps to check the growing indiscipline in the school.

Application for the Principal- To take adequate steps

The Principal
Sardar Patel Vidyalaya
New Delhi
Subject- Application for the Principal to take adequate steps
Respected Sir,

There is a lack of respect between the teachers and the taught. Sometimes, they behave in a very irresponsible and intolerable manner. The cause of this growing indiscipline lies with our defective system of Education.

Due attention is not being paid towards the formation of character. We, therefore, suggest that there should be a council of students to redress the grievances among teachers and students. The teacher should make their lessons more interesting, effective, and impressive.

A proper arrangement should be made for sports, debates, matches, music competitions, and other sources of recreation and amusements, such as excursions and picnic parties. This will afford opportunities for a get-together and solving problems. We hope that due consideration will be given to our suggestions. 

Thank you.
Yours obediently,
Sunil Kumar
14th July 20____
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3. Write an application to the Principal of your school for a testimonial.

Application for the Principal- A testimonial

The Principal
Ramjas Higher Secondary School No. 2
Anand Parbat, New Delhi
Subject- Application for the Principal for a testimonial
Respected Sir,

I beg to state that I was a student of Xlth class, section B of your school and passed the Higher Secondary Examination of the Central Board of Secondary Education last year in the first division with distinction in Mathematics and Chemistry.
Mr. RK. Sharma, M.A., B.Ed. was my class teacher, and Mr. Malik was my House in Incharge.
I took a keen interest in the school’s co-curricular activities and won prizes in an English elocution competition and a one-mile race in Basant Tournaments of Ramjas Institutions.

The concerned teachers will testify to my good moral character and conduct during my stay at school. I request you kindly issue me a testimonial at your earliest. 

Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Rakesh Kumar
14th July 20____
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4. An application to the Principal of your school suggesting ways and means of improving sports facilities in your school.

Application for the Principal- Sports facilities

The Principal
Govt. Higher Secondary School
Roop Nagar, New Delhi

Subject- Application for the Principal for Sports facilities
Respected Sir,

I beg to state that there is a lack of proper facilities for sports and games in our school. Only a handful of boys take part in them. At the same time, most of them get no opportunity to develop their physique and acquire the qualities of team-spirit, leadership, confidence, and initiative. 
I, therefore, suggest that games and sports should be considered an important part of education. It will also go a long way in improving the school’s discipline.

Games should be well-organized and made compulsory in our school. Games for all, and not for a selected few, is the first requirement of a good school. Athletic events should be made more popular so that all may be able to take part in them. 

All the students should be divided into four Houses. There should be inter-house matches once a month. Annual Sports Day should be celebrated yearly, and house-Wise competitions should occur. In this way, our school will be able to score very high in the zonal tournaments.
I hope that my thoughts and suggestions will receive favorable consideration. 
Thank you in advance. 

Yours faithfully,
Sohan Lal
14th July 20____
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5. An application to the Principal of your school to cheek out growing indiscipline.

An application to the Principal- To cheek out growing indiscipline

The Principal
Govt. Higher Secondary School
Nehru Ganj, Delhi

Subject- An application to cheek out growing indiscipline
Respected Sir

I beg to bring to your kind notice that during the last few days, our school has had some cases of indiscipline. They are losing all respect for the teachers. Some of them behave in a very irresponsible way. 

The greatest cause of indiscipline lies in our defective educational system. No attention is given to the formation of character in our schools. Students should be made to follow the rule of conduct themselves. The number of students in every class should not be large because it decreases personal contact between teachers and teachers and encourages indiscipline.
I further submit that in a democracy, students wish to express themselves. Therefore, I suggest that there should be a council of students. It should recommend measures to bring about an ideal discipline in the school.
All the teachers should be asked to make their lessons more interesting and informative. Games and sports for all the students should also be arranged. Extra-curricular activities, like debates, matches and music competitions should be introduced. 

I hope your honor will give thoughtful and favorable consideration to my suggestions. 

Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Mohan Lal
14th July 20____
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