Operating System MCQ |12th TPS PDF download

1.Operating system is_______

1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Input Device
4. Output Device
Ans: Software

2. ____________is service in operating system.

1) Information management
2) Process
3) G.U.I.
4) None of these
Ans.: (1) Information management

3. Windows NT is __________ operating system.

1) Single user multitasking
2) Multiuser multitasking
3) Time sharing
4) None of these
Ans. : (2) Multiuser multitasking

4. Linux is a __________ software

1) public domain 
2) free
3) paid 
4) private 
Ans.: (2) free

5. Windows 98 is ____________ operating system

1) Single user multitasking 
2) Multiuser
3) Time sharing 
4) Multithreading
Ans.: (1) single user multitasking

6. The time required for read-write head to move to the correct track is (March 2009)  

1) Seek time
2) Rotational delay 
3) Latency  time
4) None of these 
Ans. (1) Seek time

7. Termination of a process is done by ___________

1) Memory management
2) Process management 
3) Device driver
4) Information management
Ans. : (2) Process management

8. The time lost in turning the attention of processor from one process to other is called as__________

1) Circuit switching
2) Band width
3) Context switching
4) None of these
Ans.: (3) Context switching

9.__________is a function of memory management.

1) Creation of file
2) Halting process
3) Paging
4) None of these
Ans.: (3) Paging

10. If the page size for 2 MB memory is 2 kB, then the number of higher order bits on address bus, used to denote page number is___________

1) 11
2) 10
3) 9
4) 8
Ans:(2) 10

11. Wastage of memory space within the partition is called as _____________

1) Internal fragmentation
2) External fragmentation
3) Compaction
4) None of these
Ans. (1) Internal fragmentation

12. If a page is modified after it is loaded in main memory, then it is called as___________

1) Page fault
2) Dirty page
3) Paging
4) Locality of reference
Ans.: (2) Dirty page

13. Pages are physical in nature, while segments are___________

1) logical
2) Virtual
3) Either physical or logical
4) Either virtual or physical
Ans.: (1) logical

14. Following is not a process state____________

1) ready
2) blocked
3) resumed
4) running
Ans. (3) resumed

15. Windows NT is __________ operating system.

1) Multiuser
2) Multitasking
3) Multithreading
4) All of the above
Ans.: (4) All of the above

16. ________ is not an operating system.

4) C++
Ans.: (4) C++

17. _______spread more rapidly but causes less damage to computer networks.

1) Virus
2) Worms
3) Bombs
4) None of these
Ans. (2) Worms

18. ____________are the operating system programs.

1) Application program
2) User program
3) Process management program
4) Antivirus program
Ans. (3) Process management program

19. ___________ is given to each process so that a process does not use the CUP indefinitely.
1) Context Switching
2) Time Slice
3) Token Time
4) Purchased Priority
Ans. (2) Time Slice

20. In Information Management _____________ service is provided by operating system. (Oct. 2006)

(i) Change the priority of process
(ii) To allocate a chunk of memory to process
(ii) Open a file (for read, write or both)
(iv) Wait for a child process to terminate
Ans.: (iii) Open a file (for read, write or both)

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