Letter to father narrating an accident that happened to you for class 7,8,9 &10.

Letter to father narrating an accident that happened to you.

informal letter format

Also Read: A letter to father telling him reasons you do not wish to appear at the next examination and would sit for the next year’s examination for class 6,7,8,9 &10.

90-E, Kamla Nehru Marg,
19th June 20___

My dear father,
Yesterday I went to the bazaar to buy a book. I saw a car coming from the opposite direction. I was on the extreme left, so I did not bother. Suddenly, a small girl tried to cross the road. She was unmindful of the traffic rules. The driver applied the brakes. He was somewhat perplexed. He tried to save the girl and turned the wheel in my direction. The car hit my cycle. My cycle was broken, and I was slightly hurt.
In the meantime, the lady sitting in the car came out. She apologized to me very sincerely. She asked the driver to get my cycle repaired. She was very sympathetic towards me. She also offered Rs. 20.00 to get the wheel of the cycle changed. T declined the offer because the words of sympathy much moved me. My cycle is thoroughly repaired. It is working as usual.
kindly pay my respects to dear mother.

Yours loving son,

Also Read: Letter to father who is away on tour, telling him about the illness of your mother and how the house-hold affairs are being arranged for class 8,9,&10.
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