HTML Part – 4|Computer Science TPS

Scope of the Syllabus
Probable marks : 14

Above probable marks means : In board exam questions asked form this chapter are nearly for 14 marks out of 50 Marks.

Scope of the Syllabus

1. Introduction to HTML.

2. Why HTML ? Its advantages and drawbacks.

3. Study of tags : <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE>,<BODY>, <P>, <BR>, <UL>, <OL>, <PRE>, <MARQUEE>

4. Font styles : <B>, <I>, <U>, <BIG>, <SMALL>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <FONT>


7. Tables: <TABLE>, <CAPTIONS>, <TR>, <TH>, <TD>

8. Use of scripting as a language support.
Note : Only VBscript using for….next, If … then, MsgBox, InBox, DIM, SET.

HTML Part - 3|TPS Computer Science 12th Class

Q.15 How can unordered lists be created ?

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct. 2006, Mar. 2007)   Important

Ans. : 1) An unordered list is a list of items that have no particular order or sequence.

2) Unordered lists requires start and end tags (<UL> and </UL>)

3) A special <LI> tag is used to indicate actual list elements.

4) Unordered list are bulleted lists, They can be preceded by one of the several bullet styles like a

Closed Circle:
Open Circle
<LI> Eggs </LI>
<LI> Milk </LI>
<LI> Apples </LI>

5) Both <UL> and <LI> and has same set of attributes given below.


The CIRCLE attribute value is used for hollow circle (🔘), the DISC type creates a solid
bullet (⚫) while SQUARE value creates a solid block (◼️). The default appearance for a list is
with disc.

6) The end tag (</UL>) is always required at the end of unordered list. Also use </LI> at the end
of each list item.

16 How ordered lists are created ? OR Explain the use of <OL> tags with example.

  Asked in Board Exam   (March 2005, Oct.2014)   Important

Ans. : 1) An ordered list is used when the sequence of the list of items is important.

2) Ordered lists are numbered in some fashion. Ordered lists can be preceded by Arabic numerals, upper case or lower case Roman numerals, or upper case or lower case alphanumeric characters.

3) The tags for an ordered list are <OL> (starting tag) and </OL> (ending tag). Also <LI> tag is used to indicate actual list element.

4) e.g

Shopping List
<LI> Eggs </LI>
<LI> Milk </LI>
<LI> Apples </LI>

5) The attributes that can be used with ordered lists are :
TYPE = “1” (Arabic numbers)
TYPE = “a” (lowercase alphanumeric)
TYPE = “A” (uppercase alphanumeric)
TYPE = “i” (lowercase Roman numbers)
TYPE = “I” (uppercase Roman numbers)

6) The default appearance for list is with arabic numbers.

7) There is another attribute START, which allows us to establish the beginning of list’s number, sequence. It has the form – START = “number”

Q. 17 Explain the use of following tags in HTML.

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct. 2015)   Important

Ans : 1) <A> tag:

1) <A> is ‘anchor’ tag. It is used to create links or hyperlinks.

2) Links point to different files on the web.

3) The text or image enclosed between starting tag (<A>) and ending tag (</A>) is a link.

4) This link is clickable in a graphical browser.

5) With most browsers, the text within these tags is displayed in a different colour and

e.g : 
 <A HREF = "http:\ \">
More Cards </A> 

6) The object to which the link has to be made is defined by the HREF attribut. HREF refers to
hypertext reference.

2) <SUB> tag

  Asked in Board Exam   (March 2004, 2008 ; Oct. 2004, 2005, 2007)   Important

1) <SUB> is subscript tag.

2) The text enclosed within <SUB> and </SUB> is displayed in subscript form.

3) It is bit lower than text.

4) This is useful for chemical formulae.

e.g  : 
H <SUB> 2 </SUB> O

It will be displayed as : H2O

3) <SUP> tag:

  Asked in Board Exam   (March 2004, 2005; Oct.2010)   Important

1) <SUP> is superscript tag.

2) The text enclosed within ed in start tag (<SUP>) and end tag (</SUP>) will be displayed in superscript form.

3) It is a bit higher than the normal text.

4) It is useful for mathematical formulae.

E = mc<SUP> 2 </SUP> 

It will be displayed as : E = mc 2

4) <FONT> tag:

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct. 2015)   Important

1) <FONT> is font tag.

2) It is used to format the size, type face and colour of enclosed text.

3) The <FONT> tag can be used with three different attributes : SIZE, FACE and COLOR.

4) The SIZE attribute can be specified in absolute or relative values ranging from 1 to 7. Using a relative font size i.e. by putting plus or minus sign before the number will change the font size relative to the default size.

5) The COLOR attribute is specified with a RGB code or specify a color name.

6) The FACE attribute specifies a type face that is used for the text enclosed by the font element.

5) <BIG> tag :

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct.2010)   Important

1) <BIG> is big tag.

2) The text enclosed within starting tag (<BIG>) and ending tag (</BIG>) is displayed in larger

3) <BIG> tag has the same effect as <FONT SIZE = “+1”> .

4) If already the size is largest, tag is ignored.

6) <SMALL> tag :

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct.2010)  Important

1) <SMALL> is small tag.

2) The text enclosed in <SMALL> (starting tag) and </SMALL> (ending tag) is displayed in smaller font.

3) <SMALL> tag has same effect as <FONT SIZE = “-1”> ,

4) If already the size is smallest, then the tag is ignored.

7) <STRIKE> tag :

1) <STRIKE> is strike tag.

2) The text enclosed within the tags <STRIKE> and </STRIKE> or <S> and </S> would have a line drawn through the middle of the text.

e.g. <S> You are mad </S> 

It will be displayed as : You are mad

8) <HREF> :

1) The HREE attribute is used with <A> i.e. anchor tag.

2) HREF refers Hypertext Reference.

3) This attribute marks the anchor as the start of a link to another document or resource or to a particular place in another document.

4) For e.g.

<A HREF = "">
Enter your Email-id </A> 

In the above e.g. “Enter your Email-id” is the hypertext link to the website indicated URL specified i.e.

Q. 18 Write a short note on RGB codes.

Ans :

1) Colors in HTML can be specified by a color name or by color code, known as RGB code.

2) In RGB codes, R stands for Red, G stands for Green and B stands for Blue.


4) RGB codes are always 6 numbers. First two numbers specify amount of red. Next two numbers specify amount of green and last two numbers specify amount of blue.

5) By mixing these three primary colors in different amount, it is possible to derive any colors.

6) RGB codes use hexadecimal numbering system.

7) For Red color, RGB code is # FFOOOO, for Blue color RGB code is # OOOOFF and for green color, RGB code is # OOFFOO.

8) Yellow is the combination of maximum red and maximum green. Hence, RGB code of yellow is #FFFFOO.

9) Similarly, RGB code for Black color is # OOOOOO and RGB code for White is # FFFFFF.

Q. 19 What is <IMG> tag ? What are the attributes that can be used with <IMG> tag ?

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct.2002)   Important

Ans :
1) <IMG> is image tag. Its purpose is to include graphic images in the body of the web pages

2) There are two types of images :

i) Inline images : It occur in the middle of a line of text. If a image is large one, then the line becomes very tall.

ii) Floating images : It cause text to wrap around the image. The paragraph will flow around the image for several lines, if the image is large.

3) To make an image as a separate paragraphs, it is enclosed within paragraph element

e.g (1) : 
  <IMG SRC = "C : \My Documents \Lion.jpg" /> 


You you can also write this

e.g (2) : 
  <IMG SRC = "" /> 

4) Generally SRC and ALT attribute are always used with <IMG> tag. SRC attribute includes appropriate path of image file for searching. For any browser, that is not displaying images the alternate text contained inside the ALT attribute is displayed instead of images.


<IMG SRC ="" ALT = "Tree">

5) In addition attribute and sizing attribute are used with <IMG> tag as.
a) For Inline images, alignment attribute has three attribute values that, are ALIGN =”TOP”, ALIGN = “Middle” and ALIGN = “Bottom”

b) For Floating images there are two attribute values which are ALIGN = “LEFT” and ALGIN = “RIGHT”

6) To indicate exact size of image use WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes.

<IMG SRC = "" WIDTH = "200" HEIGHT = "200"> 

7) Display image with border using BORDER attribute.
e.g : BORDER = “1” then thin border will appear around the image.

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