HTML Part – 2|TPS 12th Solution Kinnari Prakashan

Scope of the Syllabus
Probable marks : 14

Above probable marks means : In board exam questions asked form this chapter are nearly for 14 marks out of 50 Marks.

Scope of the Syllabus

1. Introduction to HTML.

2. Why HTML ? Its advantages and drawbacks.

3. Study of tags : <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE>,<BODY>, <P>, <BR>, <UL>, <OL>, <PRE>, <MARQUEE>

4. Font styles : <B>, <I>, <U>, <BIG>, <SMALL>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <FONT>


7. Tables: <TABLE>, <CAPTIONS>, <TR>, <TH>, <TD>

8. Use of scripting as a language support.
Note : Only VBscript using for….next, If … then, MsgBox, InBox, DIM, SET.

HTML Part - 3|TPS Computer Science 12th Class

Q.6 What are tags ? Explain.


1) A tag is a single unit of mark-up. It is a set of symbols defined in HTML to have special meaning. Tags are instructions that are written directly into text edition.

2) Tags start with a less than sign (<) followed by a keyword and end with greater than (>) sign. These symbols together known as angle brackets.

3) The tag part is a code usually one or two letter, that specify the type of effect.
There are two types of tags in HTML :
(i) Start tags
(ii) End tags

4) Start tags are used tq begin an effect, and end tags are used to end that effect. Name of end
tag is same as that of start tag but the name of end tag is preceded by a forward slash (/).

<I> is Italic tag. 

The text written between start tag <I> and end tag </I>
 <I> HTML </I>

Here, the word ‘HTML’ will be displayed in italics.

5) Tags can be nested within each other.

 <B> <I> Hello </I> </B> 

For eg. Hello
The attributes are inserted rigth within the tag that are used to affect tag’s behaviour.

Q.7 Give the structure of HTML web page.

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct.2011,14)     Important  

Ans : 1) Every HTML document has the same structure and it consists of few tags that define the page as a whole.

2) The primary part of an HTML document are denoted by <HTML>, <HEAD> , <BODY> and tags. Each of these tags are known as Document Structure Tags.

3) HTML file always starts with <HTML> tag. Similarly ended with </HTML> tag. It declare text within web page viewed in a web browser.

4) HTML document can be divided into two sections :

(a) The head : It is like an introduction to the page. It generally consists of title of the page To define head, add <HEAD> tag at beginning and </HEAD> tag at end of heading.

(b) The body : In this user enters the text images and other tags that will actually appear the web page.

To define the body, place <BODY> tag at beginning and </BODY> tag at the end after the head section.

These tags define the basic structure of every web page.

basic HTML structure of every web page.
Basic HTML Strcture of every web page

Q. 8 What are essential and basic tags of HTML code? OR Explain the purpose of following tags in HTML

(iv) <BODY>

Ans: The essential and basic tags of HTML code are <HTML> , <HEAD>, <TITLE> and <BODY>

(i) <HTML>

1) In order for the browser to open the HTML file, it must be told that the file is an HTML file.

2) This can be done by making the beginning of the file with <HTML> tag and end of file with </HTML> tag.

3) All other tags must inside within the <HTML> ….. </HTML> tag.

4) The following example beginning and ends a document with HTML tag.

    This is HTML file,

(ii) <HEAD> :
1) <HEAD> tag defines the header area of the page which is not displayed within the page itself in the browser.

2) In the <HEAD> section, <TITLE> tag can be used for give the title for the web page. The end tag </HEAD> ends the header area of the page.

3) For example :


(iii) <TITLE> :

  Asked in Board Exam   (Oct. 2002)     Important  

1) The text between start tag <TITLE> and end tag </TITLE> is the title of the web page and is displayed in the title bar of browser.

2) The title should be discriptive as it is frequently used by web indexing and searching programs to name your web page.

3) There should not be extra space between title tag and text of title.

iv) <BODY> :

  Asked in Board Exam   (March 2008 ; Oct. 2005)     Important  

1) The actual contents of the web page that will be displayed on browser will appear in body section of document.

2) The body section starts with <BODY> tag and ends with </BODY> tag.

3) There are several optional attributes for this tag, such as set background images, change the font of text by using attributes.

4) The <BODY> …. </BODY> section defines the actual instructions for laying out graphics, text, multimedia and other elements in the browser’s work’s area.

Q.9 Explain the procedure to prepare and view HTML document.

Ans : The procedure to prepare and view HTML document is as follows :
Step 1 : Open a text editor e.g. : Notepad.
Step 2 : Write the appropriate HTML code.
Step 3: Save the HTML code in a file having extension HTML.
Step 4: Open the Browser e.g.: Internet Explorer.
Step 5: Browse the file or type in the appropriate address of the HTML file in the address bar, view the HTML page.

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