Essay on Inder Kumar Gujral- Prime Minister of India | Inder Kumar Gujral Essay with pdf

Essay on Inder Kumar Gujral- Prime Minister of India

Inder Kumar Gujral-Our, Prime Minister A colossus among modern politics, I. K. Gujral, was our Prime Minister of India. A true Gandhian, he is a man of simple ing and high thinking. Even at the ripe age of 77, he is brimming with quality. He believes it is not the age but the spirit that matters. I.K. Gujral was born in Jhelum town (Now in Pakistan)on 4th Dec 1919. He got his education in Lahore. His parents were ardent Congress workers. He was imprisoned during the Quit India Movement in 1942. He is highly educated. He is M.A.; Phd; D. Litt. He has been a freedom fighter since his childhood. He is very soft-spoken.

Mr. Gujral remained a member of the Rajya Sabha from 1964 to 1976. He held the charge of varied portfolios of communication and Parliamentary Affairs, Information and broadcasting, works, housing, and planning. He was the leader of the Indian Delegation to UNESCO session in 1970, 1972, and 1974 and UN Session on Environment held at Stock Holms in 1974. He was an ambassador of India to USSR from 1976 to 1980.

He became cabinet minister for External Affairs in the United Front Govt formed in 1996 under the leadership of Sh. H.D. Devagoda. While representing India at NAM Ministerial Conference, he sang a verse for his Pakistani counterpart- “Guftgoo band na ho, bat se bat chale” (Let not the conversation stop one-point lead to another.). AS an External Affairs Minister, Mr. Gujral favored friendly relations with neighboring countries. He took concrete steps to improve our relations with Pakistan and Nepal.

Mr. Gujral was elected Prime Minister on 21st Apr 1997. He has great faith in himself and in God. He is a man of strong convictions. He never compromises his principles to earn temporary fame. The people of India have pinned many hopes on him. Let us pray that he lives 1ong to serve the cause of his countrymen and mankind.

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