A letter to the Editor Times of lndia, New Delhi regarding insanitation of the locality

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A letter to the Editor, Times of India, New Delhi regarding insanitation of the locality.

2530 Shivaji Nagar
15 July, 2022

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Sub: Attention regarding insanitation of the locality.

Permit me to draw the attention of the Municipal Corporation, Delhi through Columns of your renowned paper regarding insanitary condition of our locality. There is no proper arrangement of the drainage and underground sewers. As a result of this, the water collects in small parts and has become a breeding place for mosquitoes. The place has become malarious and the health of the people of this locality has been adversely affected.

During the rainy season the people have to walk in kneep deep dirty and filty water. The Health Officer of one zone was personally contacted by the people, but no fruitful result was achieved. The colony has become a mini hell in the Capital. The people have been leading a very miserable life. Words fail me to express their misery. If this state of the condition continues the inhabitants of the locality will fall a victim to epidemic diseases.

The higher authorities should take immediate steps and final out a suitable solution to this problem and save the people from the clutches of death.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,
Riyansh Sahni

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A letter to the Editor, Times of India, New Delhi regarding insanitation of the locality.

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