A letter to the Editor regarding evils of begging for class 7, 8, 9 and 10

Formal letter format letter to the Editor

A letter to the Editor regarding the evils of begging.

Shreya Niketan
Masjid road
20 July, 2022

The Editor
The Tribune

Sub: Request to stop the evils of begging.

I request you to publish a few lines in your Newspaper under the column “Letter to the Editor” regarding the evils of begging.

Begging is a great evil in society. It is an admitted fact that India is not a rich Country but begging is not a profession. The people should work to earn their living. It should be discouraged. It is a crime. It makes men lazy and they fall a victim to many evil habits. The attention of the Government should be drawn to it.
Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,
Riyansh Sahni

A letter to the Editor regarding the evils of begging.


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