A letter to the Editor of Hindustan Times about the short inadequate supply of water class 7, 8, 9 and 10

Formal letter format A letter to the Editor

A letter to the Editor of Hindustan Times about the short, inadequate supply of water

Model Town
10th June, 2022

The Editor,
The Hindustan Times,
New Delhi

Sub: Urgent need for supply of water

It will be very kind of you if you allow me to draw the attention of the Municipal Corporation, through your esteemed paper regarding the insufficient and the short supply of water in our locality.

It is one of the most important duty of the Corporation to provide essential civic amenities to the citizen who pay taxes in lieu there of.

It is really deplorable on the part of the Municipal authorities to ignore the legiti-mate demands of the citizens. They sleep over their problems and fail to make the necessary arrangement for an adequate supply of water and electricity, which is the basic need of the people these days.

Due to the shortage of supply of water, there is frequent quarrel for the public water. There is a long queue of ladies on these water taps and they get a small quantity of water which is quite insufficient to meet their domestic needs. All this leads to frequent quarrels.

The higher authorities must be moved in this regard and do the needful and find out a permanent solution to this problem. They must make proper arrangements and earn a
good name for the corporation. They should make every possible effort to redress the grievances of the citizens.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,
Riyansh Sahni

A letter to the Editor of Hindustan Times about the short inadequate supply of water class 7, 8, 9 and 10

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