A letter to father telling him reasons you do not wish to appear at the next examination and would sit for the next year’s examination for class 6,7,8,9 &10.

A letter to father telling him reasons you do not wish to appear at the next examination and would sit for the next year’s examination

informal letter format

 Also Read: Letter to father who is away on tour, telling him about the illness of your mother and how the house-hold affairs are being arranged for class 8,9,&10.

Birla Engineering College
19th June 20____

My dear father,

For the last few days, I have been worried and have spent sleepless nights. The examination is near hand, and I have no idea to take up the examination this year as I am not fully prepared for it. You are fully aware that my summer vacation was spent on excursions and sightseeing in Kashmir. I improved my health at the cost of my studies. Though I burn the midnight oil, there is little hope of making up for the deficiency in a short period of my disposal. Despite my best effort, I have not been able to cope with the amount of work. If I appear in the examination, I will get only second division, and my whole career will be spoiled.
I, therefore, seek your permission to allow to sit for the examination the following year.
With best compliment to Mummy.

Yours affectionately,

Also Read: Letter from father to his son according permission to go on tour- Father Giving Permission For Class 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
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