A letter to a younger brother advising him to be regular in his work for class 7,8,9 & 10.

A letter to a younger brother advising him to be regular in his work.

informal letter format

 Also Read: Letter to brother describing how you spent last summer vacation holidays at uncle’s house for class 7,8,9 &10.

70H, Nehru Place
New Delhi
23rd June 20___

My dear Ravi,
I received your first test report. It is disappointing and discouraging. You are very weak in English and quite at sea in mathematics. You have secured poor marks in Hindi and Social Studies. The report shows that you have slightly made some progress in Economics. Your teacher has complained that you often play truant after the recess period. You have become a cinema fan and pick up quarrels with your classmates.
My dear Ravi, try to improve yourself and avoid bad company. Always keep the company of good boys. You know that society molds man. Make up your deficiency in English and Maths. If you put your heart and soul into work, you can surely show a better result. Man is the architect of his own fate. You can make your future sublime by dint of hard labor. Take care of your health also. Work and play should go together. Either of the two should not be obtained at the cost of the other. Also, take part in literary activities. I hope you will work according to my advice.
All is well here.

Yours loving brother,

Also Read: A letter to a friend showing sympathy for his failure in the examination.
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