50+ Business Letter Format And Examples Sample letters for Business


In modern days the entire business depends on correspondence. The people manufacturing or producing things at one end of the country supply their products to dealers in different parts of the country. To achieve this object, there is always a necessity for correspondence. These days correspondence is the soul of Every Business. We can, therefore, classify the different types of correspondence in the following categories.

  1. Quotation inquiries, 
  2. Placing of orders,
  3. Business queries, i.e., asking for information and rates, 
  4. Making complaints and adjustments,
  5. Enquiries to promote business, 
  6. Information regarding Import & Export, Banking and Insurance facilities, etc., 
  7. Applications for jobs in response to advertisements of certain firms and companies or general advertisements in the newspapers,
  8. Terms and conditions. 

The salient features of a good business letter are as under: –

 (i) Company’s name and address. (It is either printed or typed at the top of the page.)

 (ii) Telephone number or Telex, if any. 

(iii) Telegraphic address. 

(iv) Date.

 (v) Reference number.

 (vi) Salutations. 

(vii) Subject matter. 

(vii) Signatures. 

(ix) Enclosures, if any. 






  1. Write a letter from a supplier to M/s. Piston Cranks Ltd. ,Faridabad regarding supply of steel scraps.

41-A, Mayapuri,


13th July 20___


Messrs Piston Cranks Ltd.,



Subject : Regarding supply of steel scraps.

Dear Sirs,

I want to thank you again for your order of last month for the supply of 10 tonnes of steel scraps to your esteemed organization, out of which we have already supplied you about 2 tonnes, the bill for which has already been submitted to you in triplicate as required by your account Branch. 

I am sorry to inform you that both ɔur lorry drivers have suddenly fallen ill as a result of which, we are not in a position to forward to you our next supply at present. Moreover, it is very costly to send the delivery of the goods through hired transport.

In view of the position as explained above, I would request you to kindly allow us some more time for the next delivery of the goods till our drivers recover.

 I hope you will kindly consider the case favorably. Thank you for your valued consideration. 


Yours faithfully,

A.K. Mehta


2.Mr. Mohan Lal had been staying in Oberoi Hotel, New Delhi. He paid the bill by a crossed cheque and the same was dishonored as he forgot to put the date. Write a letter on behalf of the Manager requesting the customer to return the cheque duly corrected.

Hotel Oberoi,

New Delhi.

Telephone No:


13th July 20____


Shri Mohan Lal,

13-B, River Valley Road,


Dear Shri Mohan Lal,

I may draw your attention to the fact that you had patronized us by your kind stay in our hotel during the month of January, 1980. You had signed a cheque for dues for Rs. 500. I am sorry to inform you that you had forgotten to put a date at the top and as a result of this the cheque in question could not be cleared. The cheque is returned herewith for necessary correction. 

May I request you to return the cheque duly corrected at your earliest. 

Thank you. We assure you of our sincere services. 


Yours Truly,


Enclosure : One cheque for Rupees 500.


3. Asking for goods on approval.


35, Curzon Road,


13th July 20___


Messrs Smith & Co.,

Book Sellers & Publisher

15, Rajendera Marg.


Dear Sirs,

I have been told by one of my friends that a variety of novels and story books are available to you. Will you please send me a few novels written by Kali Dass for approval? I will bear the cost of postage both ways on any book returned. 

Thanking you,

Yours truly.

  1. Lal


4. Write a letter to the Sales Manager of New India Name Plates of & Anodisers, New Delhi, Who are the designers and makers. Name Plates for different purposes, enquiring about the terms and conditions (i) Bulk purchase, (ii) Taking agencies.



(Dealers in Aluminum Name Plates)

Ram Nagar,

.D-95, Bhopal,

13th July 20___


The Sales Manager,

New India Name Platers and Anodisers,

115-A, Phase I, Mayapuri,

New Delhi

Subject :- Regarding Terms and conditions for the supply of Name Plates etc.

Dear Sir,

We have come to know that your firm designs and makes Aluminum Plates of the world standard for different purposes. We are pleased to introduce ourselves as Dealers in Aluminum Name Plates etc. 

We are interested in purchasing your goods in large quantities and also wish to enroll ourselves as an agent for the distribution of your goods in our area. We assure you of our best services in Delhi, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh.

 We, therefore, request you to intimate us your terms and conditions. Looking forward to your early reply. 

Yours truly,

For Moha Lal & Sons

Telephone No…


Reference No…

5. Order for goods to be sent as per bearer.


117, Ajmal Khan Road,

Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

13th July 20___


Messrs Brown & Co.,

Chandni Chowk,


Dear Sir,

The bearer of this letter is a personal friend of mine and is most trustworthy and reliable. Kindly send the following articles through him. The bills should be posted to me at the end of the month as usual:- 

  1. 6 pens (Parker)
  2. One dozen exercise Books.

Yours truly,

R.S. Shah

6. Shalimar Export Corporation of India, New Delhi deals in ready-made garments and supply the same to Middle East Countries i.e. Iran, Tahran, Indonesia etc. through authorized agents. Write a letter to the Managing Director, Shalimar Export on behalf of Usha Garments Co. regarding terms and conditions for (i) Specification of readymade garments for bulk Purchase (ii) For taking agencies.


(Export Quality Traders)

13th July 20___



Reference No….


The Managing Director,

Shalimar Exports Corporation of India,

Karol Bagh,

New Delhi

Subject :-Regarding terms and conditions for the supply of the readymade garments.

Dear Sir

We understand that you deal in readymade garments and also export them to Middle East Countries through your authorized agents. We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves as the agents of various companies who also export readymade garments to different countries. We have a good reputation and possess all the requisite qualities of a good agent. We are interested in making a bulk purchase for the export of your goods through our agents. Please send us the specification of your readymade garments. 

Kindly apprise us of your terms and conditions for taking agencies. Hoping for an early reply. 


Your truly,

For Usha Garments Co.

7. Write a letter from the Manager of the firm Messrs Gupta Bros. Karol Bagh, New Delhi dealing in School Furniture ie Black Boards and Desks etc.to the Principal of Govt. Boys Higher Secondary School Roop Nagar, Delhi. The Principal has asked for the printed price list.


Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

Dealers in School Furniture



Reference No..,.

Telephone ……

13th July 20___


The Principal,

Govt, Boys Higher Secondary School,

Roop Nagar,


Reference Your letter No………dated….

Subject :;- Regarding supply of Printed List of furniture

i,e. Black Boards and Desks etc.

Dear Sir,

We thank you for your esteemed inquiry about the supply of furniture for your school. We are pleased to enclose herewith the printed list of the classroom desks and blackboards as desired by you in your letter under reference. Necessary details are contained therein. We may also add for your information that we have been dealing in school furniture for the last thirty years and command a very good reputation in the market. We supply the article strictly in accordance with our stipulations and terms and conditions.

We hope our terms and conditions will surely meet your requirements and approval.

 Looking forward to your early and esteemed supply order. 

Thanking you,

Yours Truly,


M/s. Gupta  Brothers


8. Order for goods from a shop.


25 Crescent Road,

Bombay- 45

13th July 20___


The Manager,

Cheap Silk Stores,

Horn Road.


Dear Sir,

Please send the following articles as early as possible by V.P.P. I am remitting Rs. 200 by Money Order in advance. I assure you that I will take the delivery of the goods.

  1. 5 dozen silk stockings @ Rs. 30 per dozen.
  2. 2 dozen handkerchiefs @ Rs. 15 per dozen. (Ladies size)
  3. 15 meters light blue silk ribbon e Re. 1 per meter.
  4. 1 dozen Baby Frocks @ Rs. 8 per piece.


Yours truly,



Money order receipt.


9. Retaining goods on approval (Reply of the above).

35, Curzon Road,


13th July 20___


Messrs Smith & Co,

Booksellers & Publishers,

15, Rajendra Marg.


Dear Sirs,

I heartily thank you for sending me for approve the Novels sent by you. All of them are really very good and to my taste. I am retaining them all. Please debit the cost as well as postage and transit charges to my account. I will write more when I have finished them. 

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

  1. Lall

10.Returning goods sent on approval.


36, Curzon Road,


13th July 20___


Messrs Smith & Co.,

Booksellers & Publishers,

15, Rajendera Marg,


Dear Sir,

I thank you for sending me novels by Kali Dass according to my letter of the 25th instant. I am sorry to inform you that the novels sent by you have already been read by me. I am, therefore, returning the same. 

The charges incurred by you may please be debited to my account. 

I am really sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. Please acknowledge the receipt. 


Yours truly,

  1. Lal


11. Retaining a part of the goods sent on approval.

35, Curzon Road,


13th July 20___


Messrs Smith & Co.,

Booksellers & Publishers,

15, Rajendra Marg,


Dear Sir,

Thank you for sending me a dozen novels for approval, according to my letter of the 25th instant. Although they are just the type I like, unfortunately, I have already read seven of them. I am, therefore, returning these at my own expense. Kindly acknowledge the receipt. Please debit to my account the cost of the five books I have retained as well as the postage charges on the twelve books. My bill may be sent to me as usual. 


Yours truly.

  1. Lal


12. Letter to a firm who has not supplied goods according to the orders of the purchaser.

35, Crescent Avenue,


13th July 20___


The Manager.

Messrs Modern Silk House,

Rouse Avenue,


Dear Sir,

I received the goods in accordance with my orders dated 3rd of this month. If you please refer to my order, you will come to know that I asked for 30 meters of light blue silk ribbon, but inadvertently you have sent me the same navy blue color. I am sending the same as it is of no use to me. I shall be thankful to you if you please dispatch 30 meters of light blue silk ribbon. 


Yours truly,

Mrs.S. Brown


13. Letter of enquiry for supply of goods.

Ref. No.

13th July 20___


Punjab Shoe Company,

Kamla Nagar,



Messrs Amar Shoe Company,

Raja Mandi,


Dear Sirs,

We have come to know that you have been manufacturing shoes and leather bags of various qualities, shapes, and designs for the purpose of export. Nowadays, in Delhi, there is a great demand for such articles among the high gentry, provided they are made of pure leather and natural material. Such goods can fetch a good price if made according to the latest fashionable designs.

 I would request you to send the catalog along with full details for the supply of your manufactured goods. Terms and conditions and mode of payment may also please be intimated. Please send us a few samples of approval also.

 We are looking forward to an early reply. 

Yours faithfully.

For Punjab Shoe Co.



14. Letter in response to a letter of enquiry regarding supply of goods and terms and conditions etc.

13th July 20___

Ref. No.


Amar Shoe Company,

Raja Mandi,



Messrs Punjab Shoe Company,

Kamla Nagar,


Dear Sir,

We thank you for your letter of enquiring regarding supply and manufacture of our products. A copy of the export catalog of our manufactured goods is sent herewith.

 We assure you that the color and design will suit you and definitely appeal to discriminating buyers. 

Besides this, our representative, Mr. Suresh Gupta, will be there next month and he will call on you and discuss the terms and conditions for the supply of our products. He is fully authorized to enter into any contract on our behalf.

 We would feel pleasure to serve you. 

Yours faithfully,

For Amar Shoe Co.



15. Letter to a firm for an estimate.


33-D, Green Park,

New Delhi.

13th July 20___


The Manager,

Messrs New Era House Decorators,

Chandni Chowk,


Dear Sir,

I wish to have a rough estimate for the redecoration of three rooms, the work to include oil painting of the walls and ceilings. Will you please send your representative to see me as early as possible? I would also like to have from you some idea of the time in which you will be able to complete the work. 


Yours truly,

P.s. Gupta

16. Letter to a firm for acceptance of the estimates.


33-D, Rajourí Garden,

New Delhi.

13th July 20___


The Manager,

Messrs New Era House Decorators,

Chandni Chowk,


Dear Sir,

 I have received your estimate for re-decorating three rooms. After due consideration, I have decided to entrust the entire work of decoration to you for Rs. 1200.00, subject to the condition that the whole work must be completed within a period of one month without fail. Please inform me of the date when you intend to take up the work so that I may vacate the rooms to enable you to work smoothly. 


Yours truly,

P.s. Gupta


17. Letter of acceptance for the estimate.


33-D, Green Park,

New Delhi.

13th July 20___


The Manager,

Messrs New Era House Decorators,

Chandni Chowk,


Dear Sir,

I have received your estimate for decorating three rooms. After thoughtful consideration, I have decided to get the work done by you. I am enclosing a cheque for Rs. 1,200.00, the total cost of the work. Kindly acknowledge receipt as in full settlement. 


Yours truly,

P.s. Gupta


18. Letter of enquiry for supply of electrical goods.

13th July 20___

Ref. No.


High Light Electric Supply Co. Ltd.

Chandni Chowk,



Messrs Asian Cable & Electrical Co. Ltd.


Dear Sir,

We have come to know that you have been the leading and prominent manufacturer of electric bulbs, tubes, and cotton-insulated wires.

 It would be highly appreciated if you send us a few samples and also let us know the terms and conditions of business and the quantity up to which the supply can be made to us. 


Yours faithfully,

For High Light Electric Supply Co. LTD.



19. Reply to the above letter.


Ref. No.

13th July 20___


The Manager,

Asian Cables & Electrical Co. Ltd.,



Messrs High Light Electric Supply Co. Ltd.,

Chandni Chowk,


Dear Sir,

We thank you for your letter of inquiry regarding the supply of electrical goods, i.e., bulbs, tubes, wires, etc. 

We can supply the goods for any quantity to the exact specification of your samples.

 We are looking forward to your early order. 

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For Asain Cables & Electrical Co. LTD.



20. Letter for enquiry of rates.


Ref. No.

13th July 20___


Bansal General Stores,

Sadar Bazar,



Messrs Gupta Plastic Co.,

29, Okhla Industrial Estate,

New Delhi.

Dear Sir,

We would be glad if you could supply us as early as possible the latest price list of the plastic goods manufactured by your company quoting the lowest price acceptable for each item.  It would be much appreciated if you, please indicate the terms on which you would be prepared to execute our orders. 

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For Bansal General Stores


21. Reply to the above.


13th July 20___

Ref. No.


Gupta Plastic Co.,

29, Okhla Industrial Estate,

New Delhi


Messrs Bansal General Stores,

Sadar Bazar,


Dear Sir,

We are sending herewith the latest price list of our plastic goods as desired by you. From the list in question, you will see that our prices are the lowest in the market and commensurate with the high quality of our goods. Generally, we allow one month for payment, and it can also be extended on receipt of trade or banker’s references.

 We are looking forward to your early orders for early execution. 


Yours faithfully,

For Gupta Plastic Co.



22. Letter of enquiry for supply of goods.


Ref. No.


Parkash Radio Co.,

Industrial Estate,



Messrs National Carbide Co.,


New Delhi

Dear Sir,

I am to inform you that last month your representative cálled on ús and showed a few samples of new Dry Batteries for use in Radios and Transistors. Now we have started the manufacture of this item and can meet your requirements. Our prices are the lowest in the market and quality is also superior to that available in the market.

We are looking forward to your early order for execution. 

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

For Prakash Radio Co.



23. Letter of enquiry for the supply of hosiery goods.


Ref. No.

13th July 20___



Shyam Lal & Sons,

Hosiery Stores,

Sadar Bazar,



Messrs Kuldeep Hosiery Works,



Dear Sirs,

There is great demand for hosiery goods in Delhi these days, and we Would like to have your quotations in respect of the following items: 

      1.Men’s sandow cream color. 

  1. 30 Men’s sandow white color. 
  2. 3. Men’s underwear 3 dozen.
  3. 4. Stockings (cotton) (do) 8 dozen.
  4.  5. Socks (Nylon) (do) 8 dozen.

Yours faithfully,

For Shyam & Sons



24. Reply to above.


Ref. No.

13th July 20___


Messrs Kuldeep Hosiery Works,




Shyam Lal & Sons,

Hosiery Stores,

Sadar Bazar, Delhi-6.

Dear Sir,

We heartily thank you for your letter of inquiry and glad to supply the rates of the hosiery goods as desired by you: 

  1. 32″ Men’s sandow cream color @ Rs. 60 per dozen.
  2. 30″ Men’s sandow white color & Rs. 62 per dozen.
  3. Men’s underwear (white color) a Rs. 48 per dozen.
  4.  Stockings (Cotton) (@ Rs. 48 per dozen
  5. Socks (Nylon) @ Rs. 50 per dozen.

The quality of the goods is very good, and the same will be packed in boxes of a dozen each. The goods will be dispatched by passenger train. The above prices are inclusive of packing and forwarding charges. 

Your faithfully,

For Kuldeep Hosiery Works



25. Letter of enquiry in pursuance of an advertisement.


Ref. No.

13th July 20___


Mehta Fancy Stores,

1025/25 Sector,



Messrs Wilson Pen Co.,

Venkateswara Road,


Dear Sir,

In pursuance of your advertisement in the “Hindustan Times,’ we wish to place an order for a few dozen on a trial basis. Since there is no detailed information available in the advertisement it would be highly appreciated if supply is sufficient information and send a few pens as samples. 


Yours faithfully.

For Mehta & Co.



26. Reply to the above letter.

13th July 20___

Ref. No.


Willson Pen Co.

Venkateswara Road,



Messrs Mehta Fancy Stores,



Dear Sir,

We are pleased to note that you have been favorably impressed by our advertisement for pens. We are sure that the quality of the fountain pens is very good and undoubtedly will confirm your opinion.

 Fortunately, our salesman is in Chandigarh these days and will call on you with a full range of samples. Meanwhile, we are sending you the latest list of prices. We are looking forward to an early trial order. Thanks. 

Yours faithfully,

For Willson Pen Co.



27. A letter of enquiry to Dehati Pustak Bhandar, Chawri Bazar,Delhi in pursuance of their advertisement on radio for “Speedily Speaking Course.”

13th July 20___

Ref No.


Nihal Chand & Sons,

Publishers & Booksellers,

24 Main Road, Dadar,

Bombay- 14.


Messrs Dehati Pustak Bhander,

Chawri Bazar,


Dear Sir,

In pursuance of your advertisement on Radio regarding “Speedily English Speaking Course’.” I am to inform you that there is a great demand for this book. The advertisement does not indicate full particulars and sufficient details in view of this.

 I would request you to send a few copies of the book in the first instance to enable us to place a bulk order for execution. 

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Yours faithfully,

For Nihal Chand & Sons



28. Reply to the above.


13th July 20___

Ref, No.


Dehati Pustak Bhandar,

Chawri Bazar,



Messrs Nihal Chand & Sons,

Publishers & Booksellers,

24-Main Road, Dadar,


Dear Sir,

We note with pleasure that our advertisement has favorably impressed you for our book, namely, “Speedily Speaking English Course’.” We are confident that the study of this book from cover to cover will confirm the wording of our advertisement. We are sending you a specimen copy for your kind perusal. Hoping to be favored with an early order. 


Yours faithfully,

For Dishant Pustak Bhander 



29. A letter to the Manager of a Hotel regarding asking for hotel rates.


110-C, Defense Colony,


13th July 20___

Ref. No.


The Manager,

Oberoi Hotel,

New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Will you please inform me of the rates of accommodation you can provide me during the month of February? I require single room accommodation with attached bathroom facilities. Please also inform me about the entertainment charges per day. 


Yours faithfully,

For Ram Narayan Sharma

32. Reply to the above.


13th July 20___

Ref. No.


The Manager,

Bombay Century Mills Ltd.,



Messrs Gulab Rai & Sons,

Marwari Katra, Nai Sarak,


Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter of inquiry and have the pleasure of quoting as follows.

(i) Khaki Drill 64 cms. in pieces of 45 mts. g 4.85 per meter.

(ii) Green Drill 64 cms. in pieces of 45 mts. G 3.75 per meter.

The quality of the drill is very good and unshrinkable and hard-wearing, and it is weather proof. The quality of the drill is popular both at home and with Military personnel. 

Orders would be executed promptly and at reasonable rates. We enclose a comprehensive selection of samples. We trust that we shall have the pleasure of supplying your needs. 


Yours faithfully,

For Bombay Century Mills


33. Letter for asking rates and quotations etc.

Ref. No.

13th July 20___


Dunlop Rubber Goods Co. (Pvt.) Ltd.


New Delhi.


Messrs Goodyear Tyres Co.,


Dear Sir,

We should be glad if you would send us as early as possible the latest catalog of your Rubber Products. The lowest price of the Rubber Products available may please be intimated and also indicate the terms and conditions on which you are prepared to execute our orders. Thanks.

Yours faithfully,

For Dunlop Rubber Goods Co. ( pvt ) Ltd 



34. Reply to the above.




Goodyear Tyres Co.



Messrs Dunlop Rubber Goods Co. (Pvt.) Ltd.,


New Delhi.

Dear Sir,

We thank you for your letter concerning our price list and quotations etc. We enclose herewith our latest price list, and it would be seen from that same are the lowest in the market.

 Normally we supply goods on one month’s credit, and the period is extended under special circumstances depending upon the goodwill and the firm’s reputation. We take every guarantee of our goods and assure refund of money in case of non-acceptance. 

We were looking forward to your early order for immediate compliance. 


Yours faithfully,

For Goodyear Tyres Co.



35. Letter of enquiry and for quotations.


13th July 20___

Ref. No.


Bhana Mal Gulzari Lal,

Chawri Bazar,


Messrs Gupta Steel & Iron Works Ltd.,


Dear Sir,

We require Metal Scraps and Bowls in large quantities. We have been given to understand from the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industries that you are the prominent leading manufacturer for the same. We, therefore, are looking to you for our requirements. 

 We are sending you a sample piece to guide you to manufacture the same. Accordingly, It will be much appreciated if you let us know your terms and conditions and your capacity to supply the manufactured goods to us. 


Yours faithfully,

For Bhana Mal Gulzari Lal



36. Reply to the above,

Ref. No



Gupta Steel & Iron Works Ltd.,


Messrs Bhana Mal Gulzari Lal,

Chawri Bazar,


Dear Sir,

 We thank you for your letter of inquiry for quotations etc., regarding Metal Scraps and Bowls. 

 We are glad to inform you that we can supply any quantity of wires from our stocks according to your specifications of the sample. 

We assure you of our immediate compliance and execution of your orders. We look forward to your early orders. 


Yours faithfully,

For Gupta Steel & Iron Works Ltd



37. Letter for order for electrical appliances.

Ref. No.


The Manager,

Hind Electric Supply Co.,

Agra (U.P.)


The Manager,

Messrs Electricals Ltd.,

Bhagirath Place,


Dear Sirs,

Kindly refer to our earlier letter dated…… regarding the supply of electric goods.  I shall be glad if you, please supply us a sample of 6 lamps of various sizes, suitable for streets, hospitals, schools, offices and residential premises. 

Kindly send the invoice at your lowest price as far as possible. 


Yours faithfully,

For Hindi Electric Supply Co.


38. Reply to the above.

13th July 20___

Ref. No.


The Manager,

Electricals Ltd.

Bhagirath Palace



The Manager,

Hind Electric Supply Co.,

Agra (U.P.).

Dear Sir,

We acknowledge the receipt of your letter and thank you for the esteemed order you have placed on us. We have booked your order in accordance with your instructions and requirements. We will send the goods as soon as they are manufactured. We hope that this initial order will lead to further business. 


Yours faithfully,

For Electricals Ltd.


39. Letter extending the period for the supply of goods.

Ref. No.

13th July 20___


Girdhari Lal & Sons,

Watch Dealers,

Ghaziabad (U.P.).


The General Manager,

Messrs Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd.,

New Delhi.

Dear Sir,

We have received your letter regarding the extension of time for the supply of goods. We accept your proposal to have the delivery of goods within a fortnight. 

We request you to execute the order within this period to avoid further inconvenience. Every possible effort should be made for the timely execution of the order as no further extension of time will be allowed at our end. 


Yours faithfully,

For Girdhari Lal & Sons


40. Letter requested for extension of the period for the supply of goods.


Ref. No.

13th July 20___


The General Manager.,

Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd.,

New Delhi.


Messrs Girdhari Lal & Sons,

Watch Dealers

Ghaziabad (U.P )

Dear Sir,

We are sorry to inform you that due to the workers’ strike in the factory we find ourselves in great difficulty complying with your order for the supply of watches and clocks. Though we tried our level best to fulfill our obligations but no fruitful result has been achieved. 

Negotiations for reconciliation with the Union leaders of workers are in progress, and we hope to supply the goods within a period of two weeks. We, therefore, request you to extend the period of your order.

 We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. 

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully.

For Hmt Ltd.

General Manager


41. Letter, ordering for Machinery,

Ref. No.

13th July 20___


Harish Brothers.

Engineering Works,

Naya Bazar, Delhi.


Messrs Amritsar Engineering Works,


Dear Sir,

I am to inform you that the quotation and the sample sent by you have been approved, and we request you to supply a dozen Pumping Machines. We agree to the prices quoted by you earlier.

 The delivery of the goods should be ensured by the end of the month. It may be further pointed out that a guarantee for two years for necessary repairs free of charge may be given at your end. 

We shall be glad if you acknowledge acceptance of our order and the conditions noted therein.


Yours faithfully,

For Harish Brothers


42. Acceptance of orders.

13th July 20___

Ref. No.


Amritsar Engineering Works,



Messers Harish Brothers,

Engineering Works,

Naya Bazar,


Dear Sir,

We thank you for your letter ordering a dozen of pumping machines. We may assure you that we will do our best for the execution of your order to your entire satisfaction. 

We hereby guarantee for the period of two years for the repairs of the machines ordered by you free of charge.


Yours faithfully,

For Amritsar Engg.Works



43. Letter requesting for the grant of special discount on orders.

Ref. No.

13th July 20___


SunLight Traders,

Mahatma Gandhi Road,



Messrs Wilson & Sons,

Lucknow Road,


Dear Sir,

We acknowledge the samples sent by you. The quality of the goods is also to our satisfaction. We request you to allow us an extra discount of at least 2% over and above the normal trade discount considering our order for a huge quantity, i.e., 200 silken saris. We wait for your early confirmation before the order is finally placed for execution. 


Yours faithfully,

For Sun Light Traders



44. Reply to above: (For allowing special discount)


Ref. No.

13th July 20___


Wilson & Sons.

Lucknow Road,



Messrs Sun Light Traders,

Mahatma Gandhi Road,

Allahabad (U.P.)

Dear Sir,

We heartily thank you for your letter wherein you asked for an extra discount extra 2% over and above the trade discount in consideration of bulk purchase. We appreciate your order but inform you that our prices have already been cut down to the minimum. As a special case, we shall allow you an extra discount of 2% if you raise the order for 1000 silken sarees.

 Your reply is awaited for compliance with the order. 


Yours faithfully,

For Wilson & Sons


45. Reply to above (Regarding no allowance for special discount)


Ref. No.


Wilson & Sons,

Lucknow Road,



Messrs Sun Light Traders,

Mahatma Gandhi Road,

Allahabad, (U.P.)

Dear Sir,

We thank you for your letter wherein you asked for an extra 2% over and above the trade discount. We are sorry to inform you that our rates of discount remain unchanged. It is up to you to place your order or not.

 We await your Instructions. We assure you that the quality of goods will be to your satisfaction. 


Yours faithfully,

For Wilson & Sons


46. A letter to a Boɔkseller ordering for Books


13th July 20___

Ref. No.


Messrs Dehati Pustak Bhandar,

Chawri Bazar,


Dear Sir,


 I shall feel highly obliged if you, please send me the following books by  V.P, P, at your earlies convenience. The packing should be good.

  1. Patkash Authentic Dictionary 5 copies (English to Hindi) @80/- each
  2. Parkash Authentic Concise Dictionary 5 copies (English to Hindi)

  @ 40/- each

  1. A Book for Improving English 2 copies @25/- each

(Essays, Letters & Stories)

4.Speedily Letters Drafting Course 5 copies @ 24/- each

Total Amount               770/-

Less Discount             185?-




 Please send the goods by Passenger Train to PDGR  (Bombay) and R/R through Punjab National Bank,   Kalbadevi, Road Bombay-2

 Yours faithfully,

For Bhaiji Book Depot

    Kalbadevi, Bombay


47. A letter to a broker dealing with purchase and sale of shares.


78 Marine Drive


Ref. No.

13th July 20___


Shri P.S, Shah,

Stock Exchange,


Dear Sir,

I have come to know that the price of the shares of Paradise Cable Companies is likely to go down due to a slump in the market. In case the information is correct, then I would request you to purchase 50 shares on our behalf. Considering the marginal profit and adequate safety, we are prepared to purchase the shares at 150 per share. 

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For Madhoram & Sons

48. Reply to above,

Stock Exchange,


13th July 20___

Ref. No.


Messrs Madhoram & Sons,

Marine Drive,


Dear Sir,

I am pleased to inform you that I purchased 50 shares of Paradise Cable Company as instructed by you. Having availed of the opportunity of a temporary slump in the share market, I purchased the shares at Rs. 154 each.

 I am to enclose herewith the necessary transfer papers for completion at your end.

 There is every likelihood of these shares going up in the near future as soon as the market is stabilized. 

Awaiting an early reply. 

Yours faithfully.

P.S. Shah


49. A letter to a Bookseller retúrning the Books which were not ordered.

A-25, Shyam Nagar,

New Shahdara,


13th July 20___

Ref. No.


Messrs Amir Book Depot,

Nai Sarak,


Dear Sir,

I received your V.P. Parcel in response to my order placed on you. I thank you for the same and sorry to inform you that the two books are not the same as ordered by me. I am returning herewith the sane as detailed below and request you to replace them in accordance with my order.

  1. Inorganic Chemistry by P.L. Soni 1983-84 Edition. 
  2. Modern Geometry by K.L. Gandhi.

 I shall feel obliged if you send me the required books at your earliest convenience. 


Yours faithfully.

Anil Gupta


50. A letter to an optician asking him for an appointment


B-630, Janak puri,

on a particular day.

New Delhi.

13th July 20___

Ref. No.


Messrs Katria & Sons,


Chandni Chowk,


Dear Sir,

My eyesight is causing me great trouble. My distant vision is all right. It is the near vision that is giving me a great inconvenience while studying. I want to get them tested and, if need be, go for eyeglasses. I shall be glad if you, please fix the time for consultation and testing the eyesight. I shall feel obliged if you, please fix the appointment before 12-00 P.M. as I am free in the morning hours.


Yours faithfully,

S.C. Ahuja


51. A letter to a manager of a restaurant to arrange for dinner.

126, Mukherjee Park,

Near Model Town,


Ref. No.

13th July 20___


The Manager,

Standard Restaurant,


New Delhi.

Dear Sir,

I intend to invite about 15 friends for dinner at……….at 8-00 P.M. I shall be obliged if you, please let me know whether it would be possible for you to cater for them at your restaurant. It would be a purely vegetarian dinner, and I would like the whole party to dine in one sitting. 

On hearing from you, I shall be glad to finalize the menu and other relevant details with you. 

An early reply will be much appreciated. 

Yours faithfully,

Sunil Dhawan

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